...since the last time I stopped here. Oops. Oh well, though. It's nothing new, the whole deal with me failing to do things in a timely manner.
A lot of other things have changed. We've been to Europe and back, for instance. The trip was nice, even though I have to admit that taking three weeks off work and then flying all those miles back and forth makes you feel like you never had a vacation in the first place. We had some huge plans for our holiday, yet we did pretty much none of it. But it was still just fine; just seeing family and friends was worth it.
We celebrated Easter over there, ate some good foods, wandered around. Okay, the latter was mostly me (with my family and friends), while Derek slept, played games and did whatever else a guy does on vacation. I suppose he was mostly being lazy. Our original plans included a trip to Budapest and then Rijeka, as well, but we pretty much didn't leave Zagreb at all. One thing I noticed - I really missed my car. I love walking, really do (it's something I greatly miss on this side of the world), but it's nice to have the four-wheeled pet in the garage, too, waiting to go places with me, whenever and wherever I want it.
At a family dinner, some random Wednesday when we all went out, Derek decided to eat some frog legs and he loved it. I have to admit I didn't feel like even taking a bite. The idea of biting into that kind of animal just sounded icky. Yes, okay, I'm a hypocrite. Some animals I eat without much thinking. Ohwell! I might've tried frog legs before, though. They are not an uncommon food whatsoever.
And here is, finally, a picture of us. This was taken our last day in Zagreb or, well, the picture itself was not even in town. We went kind of shopping, but we spent the majority of time eating some sushi-like foods. I enjoyed oranges the most. I guess I am sometimes just weird. Or every once in a while, I might actually even have a good reason for my weirdness!
And then, finally, time for some old news. Mostly old. Technically, it's big enough to at least get its own blog post, but there is no way I'll post twice in a day!
In case there's still someone in the world who has not seen our shark/rat/badger/blob... well, here it is. This is our offspring at 8 weeks 0 days. It had a strong heartbeat that day, too (and it's been heard once since). We go in for another appoinment on Monday, then yet another just a week after that. We're still in our first trimester (10 weeks and counting), but I kind of feel everything's going to be fine with this little person-to-be. If it isn't, I have to admit that someone is pulling a huge joke on me and my body. I look like I've swallowed a smaller watermelon, or at least half of it. Good part of the deal is that I've gained only about half a pound. Bad part of the deal is that I'll likely gain more, of course. Not good, especially right after you get done working your butt off to take a ton off. But oh well. C'est la vie, I guess. It's not like we didn't plan for this, it just took a bit longer than expected... and in the end was almost absolutely unexpected.
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No idea as of yet what the little sharkie actually is, but if anyone asks me, it's a boy. Yup. (Or so I think.) |