But okay, it's fair to say that I really have abandoned it a bit.
I've been busy, but I am not particularly sure with what exactly. I suppose when you add up the regular, everyday stuff, there is not all that much spare time left? Work devours over nine hours a day (I keep trying to get rid of my useless lunch break, but nobody seems to care!), then there's cooking, a bit of cleaning here and there, school, as in one long class a week, and the gym. And that's it. It's midnight before I even know it. I still don't sleep as much as I should, either, but if I've made it so far in life, I suppose I'll keep surviving. I guess I will sleep when I am dead, even though I guess that's a lie, too, because you don't really sleep when you're gone. Ha.
The gym is still my friend. Most of the new faces that showed up around New Year's are now gone, which is pretty good, even though my favourite equipment still gets taken. Hmph. The other day, I wanted to pretty much nuke a woman who sat down (yes, sat down) on my favourite elliptical and watched some vampire show, while snacking on some bars and sipping from a huge beverage container. Seriously, wtf, woman! She annoys me greatly on a regular basis, though, because she keeps hogging any and all ellipticals with an incline, yet she never uses that feature at all. Too bad she doesn't seem to be one of the quitters.
I'm down 26 pounds, according to my FitnessPal friend, which in reality translates to 11.8 kilograms. I'm okay with that, especially since I'm now pretty much safely within the 2nd third of what I decided to lose. It's like my second trimester. Lolz.
Because of the missing pounds, I need new clothes. Well, okay, new bottoms, as my tops are all pretty much still okay. So far, I haven't really been able to find any - my legs are too short, no matter what, yet they're too long for those petite/short/ankle styles. At the same time, my waist is either too wide or too narrow for whatever is considered to be a size I'd normally fit in. Or should fit in. Or, well, do fit in, but partially. All in all, I am mostly just stuck with oversized pants and it annoys me greatly, even though, at the same time, it does feel good, too. Maybe I'll find something that fits me when we fly to Croatia.
Speaking of which, we're getting ready for the big trip again. We've purchased our plane tickets and my vacations days have been sorted out... for the most part. I've not yet seen the final approval for the unpaid bits, but oh well? It's done now, right? I have the tickets and all. We'll be in Croatia for Easter and I'm looking forward to it. I'll get to see my family and friends, but, man, there'll be food, too. Like - real food!
Easter eggs will be yellow on the inside, not pale greenish! And we'll eat bread and pizza and even horrible little hotdog sausages in buns from horrible little bakeries. I'm so totally looking forward to it all, even the Croatian-junk-food-fix that I am bound to get. Then there'll be fish and octopus and squid and all other things I've yet to see in the US. Okay, I have to admit that I have seen some things that tried to go under those names, but in reality they were disgusting rubber-like substances.
As far as the people go, I hope there will be enough time to see everyone and to do things. Whatever things; it's not like we have a ton in mind right now. We'll be the ones on vacation, while everyone else will still need to work. I guess I am partially prepared to be a double alien - there will be too many things I won't have a clue about and too many things to, overall, just catch up on. Then, once I'm back to our little middle-of-nowhere town, I'll jump right back into my regular alien suit.
I wish I could stay a lot longer than just three weeks, but I need to work with what I manage to scrape up. It really is a decent vacation, in terms of length, but if you try to organize a little field trip here and there, it just doesn't seem to be enough. I'll be okay with staying in Zagreb pretty much all the time, but Derek would love to see more of Europe, or even more of Croatia, yet it likely won't happen. I suppose we'll need to retire first, like any good American does before they are able to travel. Hmph. No matter what, we'll really miss our spoiled kitty, who is staying at home with a babysitter. Catsitter. Someone she knows, of course. While I'd love to take her with me, there's just no way she would appreciate it. She'll miss us, too, but she'll be better off at home, in her own surroundings, than in a small carrier for over 16 hours, as well as at my parents' apartment, which is on the 7th floor of a building, without screens on the windows.
Another new thing is my haircut. I understand haircuts are not a big deal, but when your favourite hairdresser runs off to Ireland and you're left off with random people you just don't trust... finding someone nice and reliable really
is a big thing. So last Thursday we went to
JDH and had Jeremy fix the stack of hay on my head (as well as Derek's). I am very pleased with the result and getting that stuff cut off took nearly a pound off my total. Ha. What a nice way to add to my weightloss. I don't really have anything to show off in this post, so here's a picture of me, haha.

And that's about it. Nothing else is new. We still live kind of in the middle of nowhere, at least when it comes to any entertainment and/or social life. I still kill time at the gym or wandering the stores, pretty much by myself. Someone once suggested meetup.com as a good source of interesting things to do and I really did browse the website some weeks ago. It was very informational and overall interesting but, guess what? Nothing on it was pretty much in any way related to our little town. It just seems life is not happening where we live, or if it does, then I guess nobody either informs us of it, or we just really don't care for the things that are offered. According to that site, and many other sources I often look at, there are things in Minneapolis I would love to see or participate in, but with a full time job with a shitty, fixed schedule, those are pretty much out of reach.
Maybe I should turn this blog post into some sort of advertisement, huh? So, uh, yeah. If you happen to live somewhere close and are up for some interesting things, let me know, huh? I like to go out and walk, I go to the gym, we watch movies (yes, okay, I admit, most of them are not Hollywood blockbusters), we watch shows, but not really reality-style (while I do admit that I've been watching this last season of The Biggest Loser). I read books, I cook a lot, we enjoy food, I love biking, we love going places, but we don't care for bars and/or movie theaters, for instance. We play board games and own a ton of them. I like to paint, draw, create things out of nothing(s). Etc.
P.S. Just ignore any and all typos. I'm too lazy to go fix them and this little window usually messes up about one third of what I write.