Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Things Found Series - hopefully I will find mine!

This is a place I like: Art House Co-Op. They do all kinds of projects, I try to participate, I often fail. The story of my life, where procrastination takes over and time runs out and things go unfinished forever. Currently, I am actually working on my Sketchbook and it should  be done before it's too late. I mean, hello, I've done the cover, okay? Most of the cover? And I finally have a concept in my head. Once those things get into my head, it's a lot easier to get them out of it too. Or so I believe.

Last week I failed to submit my entry for a free project they were running. It was nothing complicated, all they wanted were pictures of people's meals, all taken at the same time. I think it was last Thursday, but unfortunately the time they asked for did not work out for me. I had no food on me at work and I couldn't eat at that particular moment even if I wanted to. Blergh. I can't wait to see what they got and came up with, though.

This week's free project is called The Things Found Series. Go ahead and sign up for it! I have and I will do this one. I absolutely will. It's not even time-sensitive, at least not in terms of when  it needs to be done. I might take my photo right away today and be done and over with it.

Just kick my butt if I don't, okay?

1 comment:

  1. Taken the photo yet?
    If not, I hereby promise to give you a thoroughly good butt-kicking once you come over (yeeeeeeeeah) :)
