Monday, June 4, 2012

D is for Delivery (and Doctor and Doula and Dilemmas...)

I brought up the delivery issue last night, so here's the deal:

I don't have the balls to do the whole homebirth thing, (un)fortunately, but I have to admit I've been considering it as one of the options. First of all, there is too much of the unknown going on, likely more than the next person would have. I'm not particularly scared for myself, because there are no complications expected at this point, at least, but I would hate to prevent the baby from getting any and all medical attention it might need. Granted, an ambulance can be here in no time, but if we're already at the hospital, they'll be by far closer.

 Then, what I also think is pretty important, this is my first pregnancy and, despite all the information I have gathered from books, other people or whichever resources, I am fairly certain I have no clue what labour feels like and what all I'll eventually have to go through. No matter how prepared I'll end up being, I kind of think a bunch of things will get me confused or startled. I know I would never do an unassisted homebirth, but, at this point, I just don't think I could rely on a midwife alone.

I also considered birthing centers for a moment, too, but it seems we only have one or two available in Minnesota and both are way too far from our house. Driving over an hour and a half in November? No way. There would be a fat chance I'd end up delivering on my own, in some ditch, with Derek gnawing on the umbilical cord, or something. Brrr. Also, when I really think about it, what is the difference between a birthing center and my own house? I'd probably feel more comfortable at home, then.

So, dear hospital, here we come. 

It took a long time to find a doctor I like, even before I was pregnant. A few that I got to see were just, pardonmyfrench, kind of too stupid for my liking. For now, I really have been satisfied with the doctor I've been seeing and I think we agree on just about any and all things, birth-related, that we've brought up so far. What I want to avoid at all cost, barring some real and serious medical issues, is induction. If the baby is fine and I am at least remotely in one piece, I don't care which date it is or whose schedule my delivery might fall into. No induction for me. If the baby is too big... well, who cares? What does too big even mean? It will get out eventually, if you let me mind my own business, pretty much.

I am, at this point at least, against any and all medication, too. I won't say I am absolutely set on it because it's too hard to predict the future, but I think I should be able to deal with all the pain (again, especially if they leave me alone to mind my own business). I've always been pretty good with pain management, but there are some things that could throw me off. Puking is one of them. Aaaargh. Of course there's a chance of getting sick in labour and that's one of the things I fear the most. Before I got pregnant, I was constantly freaking out at the thought of morning sickness. And then I had none of it! Or, well, the little spells every once in a while, usually in the evenings, were no big deal at all, especially since nothing ever came out. Hopefully I'll get as lucky when it comes to the big D-day, too. Or else. (This else part I imagine to be really horrifying. Poor me.)  So, yes, I would like no pitocin. I don't want my water to be broken. I don't want unnecessary fingers to be stuck up my uterus for various random reasons. I don't want any of these things to lead to an emergency C-section. If something is utterly wrong, just please schedule me for a section right away, okay?

So far, the doctor has been in agreement with me, but we have not yet had the big major delivery discussion. He said it would happen a bit later, probably after the 20 week mark. I know there's a hospital tour available, too, and I want to do that (as well as the birthing classes), but so far I've only gotten some weird information from the ladies at the front desk. Whatever flyer they gave me kind of related to nothing but a weird appointment with someone who is not my doctor, pretty much, towards the very end of the pregnancy. I'll have to ask again next time I go in for an appointment (which is in about two and a half weeks).

I also need to find out if it's possible for my doctor to show up at the hospital for the delivery. My little pregnancy booklet/record that I am supposed to carry around has his name on it, with a phone number attached, and it's in a field saying something along the lines of 'call for delivery'. Well, it'd sure be nice if I could just call him, any time day or night, and have him show up at the spot. I'd pay money, of course, I don't care. I just kind of don't want to be jumped by a bunch of nobodies I've never seen before, y'know. 

And then, finally, I've been considering a doula, too. Derek will come with, for sure, but at this point, neither of us knows what it will all be like and if we'll be able to stand up for my rights, should we need that, in the first place. I have no idea, though, where I would start looking. There are some available through the Mankato Clinic website, but that just sounds weird, even moreso because I don't even go to that clinic. I've managed to find a couple websites online, too, but I have to admit I didn't like the ladies I got to see there - they just didn't look like someone I would click with and, amongst other things, one of them mentions god too  many times in too few lines of text. That just doesn't seem to be my cup of tea.

In the meanwhile, I was made aware of a babywearing group from right here in Mankato and I joined the thing on Facebook the other day. I'll be going to one of their meetups next weekend, so I am looking forward to meeting some new people. I kind of expect to get at least some doula-related info there, too. After all, they seem to be those crunchy people. And yes, I also have to admit I had no clue what crunchy meant until just the other day, too.

I'm sure I forgot a whole lot of things I wanted to mention, but oh well. This topic will likely be brought up several more times before mid November, really!


  1. Glad you found a group in Mankato.

    The book that best prepared me for the experience of labor was Ina May Gaskin's _Guide to Childbirth_, particularly Part One's birth stories.

    I read everything I could to prepare and think that I might have been coming from the same place as you, so I hope my suggestion is useful (and not too weird being that it's coming from me).

  2. The book is on my list of things I've not yet bought (because I am either lazy or forgetful)! I also need to watch that biography of hers that came out last year. She's perhaps a little bit too big a hippy when it comes to some things, but I'm still interested in what she has to say.

    As for suggestions, I'm always open for any. Even when I get them from my professors! ;)
