Friday, July 6, 2012

I would like some winter time, pretty please

I'm getting fed up with this weather! This seriously isn't what I signed up for, or at least agreed to when this lying husband of mine suggested that I move to this corner of the Earth to live with him. I was supposed to be getting cold winters (ok, they kind of have been, but none of them was, in fact, nearly as bad as they told me they would be) and beautiful summers, not nearly as hot as those in Croatia and, to make it even more hilarious, not nearly as humid. Well, four summers later, I have to LOL at that. Minnesotans are liars, at least when it comes to all this weather-related chit-chat. There, take that, people!

I seriously want this to go away. I want to be able to go outside and actually do something (ok, we can pretend that, at this point, I know what it would be), instead of being locked inside and making sure I don't move anywhere too far from the car and/or buildings I need to get to. Ick, ick, ick. Even though I've been in a pretty good mood and have had no reasons to feel down or be depressed, this kind of weather is getting the best out of me here and there. I guess I'm just too bored and, I have to admit, feeling like I'm wasting my life away (while doing nothing, that is) makes me feel a bit meh

Okay, I have been doing some things. I've made some friends, again, this time with two litters of raccoons. They've been coming to our back yard, or to be more specific, to our deck. They come because I feed them on a daily basis, not because we're so irresistible, or something. I've been buying some dog food and marshmallows and they also get our leftovers. We'll be replacing our deck with a new one, perhaps even this summer, so I don't really care about the mess these little critters leave every night.

There are two adult coons, even though I'm not sure one of them still cares about us, or even the babies: I've not seen that one in days and his or her raccoons have been visiting us on their own. I have no idea how old they might be, but these four are by far the smallest/youngest ones I've ever seen. They are big enough to eat on their own and so far I've learned that they are not fans of apricots (their tonight's dinner is still glued to my deck; that's how much they didn't like them). The other five kiddos are somewhat bigger and they come with the mother every night. The two families coexist, but it's easy to tell who belongs to which group.

In the beginning, I could only watch them from the distance, through the glass door, but now I can step outside when the smaller babies are around and they usually won't care. It actually seems like they want to approach me, but I have to admit that I'm a bit hesitant, if not uncomfortable, to touch them, or let them touch me. I did a lot of coon-petting two summers ago, when we still lived out in the country at Derek's parents, but at this point, I'd rather not be given a rabies shot, tetanus and/or some antibiotics (those little guys at my in-laws' house eventually all died from distemper, for instance).

Here are some of the best critter shots I have (and the rest can be found here, if anyone feels like killing some time):

I missed a few good photos last night, but the weather was so messed up that my Canon lense kept refusing to cooperate. And yes, we still haven't bough the wipes either; we're that lazy sometimes.

Kittica seems to be liking the little guys more than she likes any other animals, but I can see that she's getting pretty jealous, especially when she sees me going out with some raccoon foods. The other night, she got so upset that she actually went into her toy box and peed on some hand-me-down toy. Well, that was a first... and I hope she'll never do it again. She picked an item that wasn't originally hers, so I guess she was trying to relay some message there. We'll see what happens when the baby comes... uhoh.

Loook at meeee, I aaam preeeettieeeeeeeeeer...

Other than the coon-related business, we've been working on the upstairs, too. Okay, Derek's mom has, for the most part, because neither of us has been able to take time off work to just sit around and watch the contractors of all kinds. So far, the old bathroom has left the building, as well as some of the floor coverings from the other rooms. We're getting a new tub installed on Monday and I suppose they'll start replacing the missing walls after that, too. But more on that will come in some other posts, as this one is already turning into a weird mixed salad.

The baby is doing fine, at least from what I can tell. I'm as big as a whale, or at least I feel like one, and today I hit my 21st week mark. I hope I don't double in size by the end of this trip. I've been feeling good, except for the bits and pieces directly related to this heat, which tends to wear me out a bit too soon. No swellings, no blood pressure issues, no... anything. My stomach goes a bit wonky every once in a while, and still only in the evenings, but it's nothing major. There have been no cravings, no food aversions and no insane mood swings either. I get emotional here and there, but soon enough I end up laughing at my silly self (ok, perhaps these would be mood swings, after all, huh?). We get to see the baby again in about ten days and perhaps we'll see, again, that it's mostly a boy. Or it'll change into a girl... who knows.

I've been feeling the movement lately, too. Perhaps it's been a few weeks now since I started pretty much knowing that it's the baby and not my (in)digestion. For the most part, it feels like champagne bottle pop muffled by tons of water, but lately I can actually notice some different sensations, too. Last night in bed, I actually got to see my belly move: something the size of a small peach popped out for a few seconds. Ick! Yup, I said ick because that's how it made me feel. It was weird and creepy and kind of cute at the same time. I guess it's really weird when your body parts have a mind on their own... simply because someone with a mind of their own lives in there. Amazing!

Our huge batch of cloth diapers arrived today (it was ordered from Hong Kong less than a week ago and they even offered free shipping!) and it seems I'll have to get going because our beloved cat is trying to chew on them again. She's been pretty amazed by diapers for some unknown reason.


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